
How to Buy Vintage Jewellery and Accessories Book

Buying vintage jewellery and accessories is a skill! But, it should also be a fun and accessible hobby for everyone, not just the trendsetters or dedicated collectors.

  • Identify your favourite 20th century decade of style.

  • Expert tips on how to spot great pieces of vintage jewellery, scarves and bags at flea markets.

  • Learn how to compliment your contemporary clothing with iconic pieces of vintage jewellery and accessories.

  • Plus, a comprehensive directory of New York City vintage markets and shows.

“All in all, this is a great little book to read through and keep with you as you browse for your own vintage pieces.”

Elsie Law, Vintage Mode Magazine, Issue 14.


Available to purchase via Amazon, Booktopia, and for a signed copy you can purchase directly from Hester, here.